For example, while writing this I have checked email, started writing an email, composed another one in my head, checked new alerts on Medium, read a few, notice one story I had tabbed is deleted now and tried to find out what it was, stopped to refill my vape pipe, just now decided, while typing this sentence, to clean and refill the other, thought of a story idea I had forgotten about, decided to do a “New Story” and sketch some stuff down, remembered I wanted to buy some art supplies today before it gets too late, realized I haven’t had a shower yet, got up and turned the shower on, sat back down to write this, realized the shower was still on, turned it off so I could finish writing this, stopped to check out a submission to Literally Literary (by marika bianca, “I am in the stars” you should definitely check it out, wow!), had to comment on it, which I try not do without some thought, and now I’m back. :)