I wrote a book
And it’s free.
It was my attempt to cut through all the bullshit and endless listicles. There is so much wisdom out there that gets lost in the latest self-help fad of the week.
I wanted to share what I had learned about living a life of purpose as a creator.
Everyone has written a book these days. For what it’s worth, you can get your free copy of mine at:
There is a cost, I suppose. I ask for you to join my newsletter. It’s easy to unsubscribe if you don’t want me added to your inbox.
You can read the first twenty pages below on issuu.com:
I also have a couple of podcasts available anywhere you can listen to podcasts.
Taking the Leap!
I wanted to speak to people who had leaped, but not just the successes like most podcasts. I wanted to speak to those who had failed or suffered. I wanted to ask if the mess was worth it.
I never expected that I would unearth a shared journey to what truly matters in our lives and for the world.
I was hesitant to share this one. It’s one of the things I am most proud of in this world, but I never managed to get Season 2 published, even though I have some amazing interviews in the can. Here’s to eternal hoping! :)
And you can find other episodes at http://www.seanhoward.ca/taking-the-leap/
Here Be Dragons
A podcast that navigates life in the new economy.
In a world where there is no job security, more and more of us are having to rethink what work means. This is a conversational podcast between myself and Jasmin where we share our thoughts about our journey to become nomads.
Hate and Avoidance
What Do You Suffer For?
All the episodes: http://www.herebedragons.fm/