I have a theme for this year. I didn’t set it. It’s sort of just emerged.
How to take care of ourselves. Self care.
I’ve learned that I don’t know how to do this. I’ve also learned that ALL of us are bad at it.
Everyone is quick to advise to do it but no one knows what it means.
I used to think it was to take a Calgon bath. Remember those ads? The mom can’t take it anymore so she locks herself in the bathroom and takes a bubble bath while her children fight each other with scissors and forage for sustenance.
I’ve learned that, for me, it’s often something I fight doing. Taking long walks with my dog. They feed me. But I never feel like they are a priority. They take too long. It’s too hot out.
I also found that it involves work. But it’s a certain type of project. My project. Not for a client.
My ridiculous long winded point is that you may need to step back and care for you. Is it a daily walk? Alone time with a book? An activity like painting or drawing?
Or writing that no one ever sees?