Hi Tamyka,
Thank you so much for this.
I have seen very compelling arguments to say that POC can be some things but not others because of the lack of power that comes with being a group of people actively discriminated against. And I found these compelling, but I get confused as to which terms apply where.
And I expect the same with women or any “minority” group. I hate the term “minority” because it sounds like a group that is non-representational. And yet… women are a great case for why this is bullshit. It’s really close to a 50/50 split of men vs women and yet…
It took me a minute to get my head wrapped around the reverse sexism bit. I think I follow what you are saying. Let me try horribly paraphrasing. You are speaking out against the often touted belief that efforts to give women an equal footing are actually giving women an advantage?
I’d like to follow your thinking here. I’ve found this rhetoric that women (and other “minorities” verging on “majorities”) are being raised above somehow in the very few programs in place to try to fight the injustices of our world quite infuriating.